Research groups - Neuropsychology of Action (Himmelbach) - Hertie ...
Head Dr. Marc Himmelbach Tel. 07071 29 87600 Fax 07071 29 5957 Based on fundings from the European Research Council the group "Neuropsychology of Action" emerged from the ...
Research groups - Neuro-Oncology (Naumann) - Open ...
Research groups - Neuro-Oncology (Naumann) - Hertie-Institut für ...
The Neuro-Oncology Group studies various aspects of the biology and experimental therapy of malignant brain tumors (Laboratory of Molecular Neuro-Oncology).
Research groups - Neuro-Immunology (Melms, Bischof) - Hertie ...
The research focus of the Neuroimmunology group is the study of the pathogenesis of neuroimmological diseases, including multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis ...