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Getting a record deal: TAXI FAQs: A&R --

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers ...

TAXI: Links To Booking Services

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers, and film ...

TAXI: Links To Web and Internet Radio Stations, Broadcasts, Webcasts

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers ...

TAXI: Links To Our Favorite Sites

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers ...

TAXI: Links To Songwriter Associations and Organizations

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers ...

TAXI: Genre Descriptions for the Industry Listings

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers ...

TAXI: record deals, publishing deal, film TV placement, recording ...

Get your music to the right people with TAXI: The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands and songwriters with major record labels, publishers, and film ...

Die Taxi App - mytaxi - Taxi fahren so wie ich es will

Per Smartphone ein Taxi bestellen, bezahlen und bewerten ? das ist mytaxi. Verfügbar in über 30 deutschen Städten und auch international.

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